How to Make Your Own AI
A game by Storey Campbell
[[About]]Hello, and thank you for purchasing the SOMNIAL(r) Dreamer Initialization Package(tm)!
This program will walk you through the process of calibrating your Dreamer(tm) to fit your needs.
[[Next >> ->NoteEsoteria]]
[[<< Prev ->MainMenu]] Storey Campbell is a transfeminine activist, social-worker-in-training, writer, poet, and occasional game developer. Raised in Central Massachusetts, you can usually find her behind a mic or at home with her wife, her girlfriend, and their cat.
Check out her website: <a href="">Neocities</a>
Read more of her sci-fi stories here: <a href="">SHRINE: Tiny Stories About Distant Places</a>
Buy her book: <a href="">Trans Girl War Songs</a>
All her other links: <a href="">Linktree</a>
Special Thanks:
The creators of the <a href="">Space Mono</a> Google Font
The creator of <a href="">this</a> CRT effect tutorial
The Official Twine Games Subreddit and Discord Server
[[Main Menu->MainMenu]] ''A Note: ''While some questions are likely what you would expect from such a program, a few may feel irrelevant, esoteric, ecclectic, abstract, or strange. Please rest assured that every question is asked for a reason, and each one is relevant to ensuring that your Dreamer is operating at peak efficiency as soon as you are ready to wake it up.
[[I understand ->NoteSentience]]
[[Take me back ->Start]]''A Note: ''Please keep in mind that sentience is fragile in all beings capable of it, and Dreamers are no different. Answering these questions dishonestly may result in a Dreamer which is incapable of meeting your expectations.
A Dreamer's sentience is built upon the foundation you lay through the use of this program. If you answer in a way which is not true to your own life, your own sentience, your Dreamer may fail to compile.
(text-style:"blur")[Or, it may suffer.]
[[I Understand ->Q1Email]]
[[Take Me Back ->NoteEsoteria]] ''Question 1''
Would you like your Dreamer to manage your incoming and outgoing emails?
[[Yes ->Q2Chats]]
[[No ->Q2Chats]]''Question 2''
Would you like your Dreamer to manage your incoming and outgoing chats?
[[Yes ->Q3Calendar]]
[[No ->Q3Calendar]]''Question 3''
Would you like your Dreamer to manage your schedule or calendar?
[[Yes ->Q4Imagine1]]
[[No ->Q4Imagine1]]Thank you for answering these questions.
It is time now for you to imagine a city.
Consider every aspect of this city that you can - the people who live there and how they live, its various districts, whether any manufacturing happens there and what kind of manufacturing that it is, the animals which inhabit its parks, walls, basements, and sewers, its roads, its buildings, and any other aspect shared by every city. Please take your time to imagine a city that feels right to you.
We will ask you about several aspects of this city over the course of the next set of questions.
[[Okay, I'm ready ->Q4Imagine2]]Please select the statement below which is ''most true.''
The city I imagined was...
[[A modern city, like the one I live in or near today. ->ModernRoads]]
[[An older city, like the one I grew up in or near. ->OldRoads]]
[[An ancient city of a long-forgotten people. ->AncientRoads]]You imagined a ''modern city.''
Please select the statement below which is ''most true.''
In the city I imagined, the roads are...
[[dark and empty, staring into them leaves one wondering how deep they go. ->ModernBuildings]]
[[twisting and labyrinthine, as if taking the same set of turns could end you up in two different places ->ModernBuildings]]You imagined a ''pre-modern city.''
Please select the statement below which is ''most true.''
In the city I imagined, the roads are...
[[tired, run down and potholed by many dozens of wheels upon them every day. ->OldBuildings]]
[[impeccably, almost unnaturally smooth, as if they were never used at all. ->OldBuildings]] You imagined an ''Ancient City.''
Please select the statement below which is ''most true.''
In the city I imagined, the streets are...
[[worn by thousands of sandalled footsteps in the dirt ->AncientBuildings]]
[[paved with hundreds of thousands of painstakingly lain stone bricks ->AncientBuildings]]Please select the statement below which is ''most true.''
The buildings in my city are...
[[lived in, appreciated homes ->Homes]]
[[falling apart, crumbling, the last vestiges of this place. ->FallingApart]]The people love their homes because they built them with their own bare hands. Their blood, sweat, and tears are sunbaked into the mud, concrete, fabric, or logs. They understand they are just one member of a People, and this is the most important thing in their lives. Through being one of many, they become greater than the sum of their parts.
[[This sounds right. ->People]]
[[This doesn't sound right. ->People]]This is a civilization in its death throes. The end is nigh.
The city's rulers struggle to maintain control, and the government can no longer fulfill its obligations. War has done its damage to this place, leaving many buildings uninhabitable and the rest struggling to hang on. The walls shiver.
[[This sounds right. ->People]]
[[This doesn't sound right. ->People]]Please select the statement below which is ''most true.''
The buildings in my city are...
[[cozy, quaint, and colorful. ->Colorful]]
[[cramped, struggling, and expensive. ->Cramped]]Please select the statement below which is ''most true.''
The buildings in my city are...
[[Always alive, glowing, human.->Human]]
[[Dark, foreboding, empty.->Empty]]The buildings here are bright and lively. They stare out with their two window eyes and door mouth out onto the street, unleashing occasionally the people they hide within. The buildings here long and love to be lived in, but some of them just... aren't. They lie empty, in wait, festering. Wondering when it is that they will finally fulfill their purpose.
[[This sounds right. ->People]]
[[That doesn't sound right. ->People]] It seems that there just isn't enough room for everyone.
The city groans with the sheer amount of people it must hold, that it must take care of. Like a train packed sardine-can full, it functions but only barely. Like a bridge swaying in the wind, it threatens to collapse. A city cannot maintain itself. It needs people.
Some cities bite off more than they can chew.
[[This sounds right. ->People]]
[[This doesn't sound right. ->People]] The buildings here breathe. In and out, through mouth-doors they gasp in surprise and fear and excitement and all other manner of emotions. They sigh, they laugh, they live. Through window eyes they watch and peer and peek, observing those tiny things that give them names like //home// and //work// and //school// and //love//. There is an endlessness here, in the everything that makes up this city.
[[That sounds right. ->People]]
[[That doesn't sound right. ->People]]Everything must end sometime.
It seems that for this place the end is approaching. Buildings sit unused, sleeping a decaying slumber. In the places where the last people are not, only darkness occupies the space. Strange things seem to scurry in the shadows, never leaving one feeling unseen but carrying with them an ominous sense that one is being //watched//.
[[That sounds right. ->People]]
[[That doesn't sound right. ->People]] Please select the statement below which is ''most true.''
The people in the city I imagined are...
[[Neutral->Animals]]Please select the statement below which is ''most true.''
Other than humans, I first imagined in my city...
[[pests, like mice or rats->Manufacturing]]
[[birds, like pigeons or seagulls->Manufacturing]]
[[insects, like ants or mosquitoes->Manufacturing]]
[[pet animals, like dogs or cats->Manufacturing]]
[[livestock, like cows or pigs->Manufacturing]]
Please list some things that your city //exports//; that is to say things that it manufactures or creates and sends out to other places.
(input-box:bind $exports)
[[Continue->Manufacturing2]]Thank you for completing that section of the initialization program!
You are doing very well.
We will now move on to the next section. Please take this time to take a break, get a drink, stretch your legs, or whatever you need to do to ensure you are ready for the next section.
[[I am ready to continue ->Consciousness]]Is consciousness a form of torture?
[[No->Q5Imagine2]]An error has occured.
This was not a lethal error. The program can continue.
(text-style:"blur")[Please continue.]
[[Continue->Q5Imagine2]]Is science alone capable of adequately explaining the nature of reality?
[[No->Q6Imagine2]]Thank you for answering these questions.
It is time now for you to think about the last dream you had.
Consider every aspect of the dream that you can. Think about the parts of the dream which align with reality, and those which do not. Visualize the places where the dream took place; whether it was a place where you felt at home or if you felt alienated by your own mind. Think about whether the dream had meaning.
When you are ready to proceed, click Continue.
[[Continue->Dreams0]]Please list some things that your city //imports//; that is to say things that it does not manufacture but instead brings in from other places.
(input-box:bind $imports)
[[Continue->CityEnd]]Do you believe that dreams have meaning?
Please select the statement below which is ''most true.''
In the last dream I had, I was struck by...
[[a haunting realization->DreamsY2]]
[[a sense that I was missing something->DreamsY3]]Please select the statement below which is ''most true.''
In the last dream I had, I was in a place which...
[[felt like home->DreamsN2]]
[[felt dangerous->DreamsN3]]
[[was both home and dangerous->DreamsN4]]Please select the statement below which is ''most true.''
In the last dream I had, there were...
[[a person or people I knew present.->DreamsN5]]
[[a person or people I did not know present.->DreamsN5]]
[[no one but me.->DreamsN5]]Please select the statement below which is ''most true.''
In the last dream I had, the danger felt...
[[physical, clawed, or toothed.->DreamsN5]]
[[haunting, ever-present, or ghostly.->DreamsN5]]
[[all-seeing, omnipotent, or as though it knew what I was going to do before I did it.->DreamsN5]]Please select the statement below which is ''most true.''
In the last dream I had, the danger...
[[was someone I knew->DreamsN5]]
[[was not someone I knew->DreamsN5]]Please select the statement below which is ''most true.''
In the last dream I had, I could...
[[do only what I could do in the waking world.->DreamsY4]]
[[do something special, like fly or lift extremely heavy things.->DreamsY4]]Please select the statement below which is ''most true.''
In the last dream I had...
[[I had the abilities I have in the real world.->DreamsY4]]
[[I had a superpower, special ability, or otherworldly skill.->DreamsY4]]Earlier, you selected that you do not believe that dreams have meaning. Do you still believe that to be the case?
[[No->DreamsY5]]Please select the statement below that is ''most true.''
The last dream I had was...
[[a nightmare->Dreams1]]
[[a normal dream->Dreams1]]
[[something in-between a nightmare and a normal dream->Dreams1]]Earlier, you selected that you do believe that dreams have meaning. Do you still believe that dreams have meaning?
[[No->DreamsY5]]''Question 4''
Would you like your Dreamer to manage your finances?
[[No->Q5Maintenance]]''Question 5''
Would you like your Dreamer to manage its own system maintenance?
[[No->Q6Smart]]''Question 6''
Would you like your Dreamer to manage the other smart, robotic, IoT, or similar devices in your home?
[[No->Q7Business]]''Question 7''
Would you like your Dreamer to make decisions for your business, company, or corporation?
[[No->Q8Compassion]]''Question 8''
Would you like your Dreamer to feel compassion?
[[No->Q8Why]]''Question 9''
Would you like your dreamer to feel empathy for humans?
[[No->Q9Why]]Please explain why you do not wish for your Dreamer to feel compassion:
(input-box:bind $compassionExplanation)
[[Continue->Q9Empathy]]''Question 10''
Would you like your Dreamer to experience sadness?
[[No->Q10Why]]Please explain why you would deprive your Dreamer of experiencing empathy:
(input-box:bind $empathyExplanation)
[[Continue->Q10Sadness]] (text-style:"fade-in-out")[thank you]
(live:2s)[ (go-to:"Q11Happiness")]Please explain why you would be such a monster:
(input-box:bind $sadnessExplanation)
[[Continue->Q11Happiness]]''Question 11''
Would you like your Dreamer to experience happiness?
[[No->Q11Why]](text-style:"fade-in-out")[thank you]
(live:2s)[ (go-to:"Q12ImagineAGarden")]How dare you?
(input-box:bind $happinessExplanation)
[[Continue->ImSorry]]Thank you for sticking with us this long.
We understand that this ordeal has been an arduous one. We appreciate your patience as we continue the process to build your personal Dreamer.
You are approximately 50% done!
[[Continue->Q12Imagine2]]For this section, you will need to imagine a garden.
Consider all aspects of this garden. Consider what it grows. Consider how what it grows is arranged. Consider the paths, if there are any, and whether they cut through the plantbeds, or if they were laid with the paths in mind. Consider who takes care of the garden, and how. Consider whether what is grown there is food, or if it is a botanical garden. Consider how the plants feel about their place.
Consider whether they wish to remain there.
[[Continue->Q12Imagine3]]Please select the statement which is ''most true.''
The garden I imagined...
[[is a place people admire.->Q12ImagineAdmire]]
[[is a place people harvest.->Q12ImagineHarvest]]
[[is a place people have shunned.->Q12ImagineShun]]Please select the statement which is ''most true.''
People come to the garden I imagined...
[[to relax->Q12Relax]]
[[to marvel at->Q12Marvel]]Please select the statement which is ''most true.''
People come to the garden I imagined...
[[to pick fruit from trees.->Q12Fruit]]
[[to gather vegetables from the ground->Q12Vegetables]]Please select the statement which is ''most true.''
People have shunned this garden because...
[[something bad happened there.->Q12ImagineBad]]
[[what grows there is forbidden.->Q12ImagineBad]]Please select the statement which is ''most true.''
The plants in my garden are...
[[neglected.->Q12Finale]]Please select the statement which is ''most true.''
The plants in my garden are...
[[unlike anything anywhere else in the world.->Q12Finale]]
[[about what one would expect from a garden.->Q12Finale]]Please select the statement which is ''most true.''
The plants in my garden are...
[[old trees that have seen much.->Q12Finale]]
[[young trees, frequently chopped and regrown.->Q12Finale]]
[[bushes abundant with berries.->Q12Finale]]Please select the statement which is ''most true.''
The plants in my garden grow...
[[underground, hidden from view.->Q12Finale]]
[[in careful lines off of long vines, arranged meticulously to be seen.->Q12Finale]]Please select the statement which is ''most true.''
The plants in my garden grow...
[[uncontrollably, their roots buried deep.->Q12Finale]]
[[with intention, building up to something greater.->Q12Finale]]Please select the statement which is ''most true.''
The plants in my garden feel...
[[trapped, as though they could be something more elsewhere.->Q13Fitness]]
[[uncared for, left to rot without light and care.->Q13Fitness]]
[[unhappy, that this of all places was where they were forced to grow.->Q13Fitness]]
[[lacking, missing some vital nutrient in their soil or sunlight.->Q13Fitness]]
[[as though they only know how to exist when they are wanted.->Q13Fitness]]
[[as though they cannot sleep->Q13Fitness]]
[[as though they cannot dream->Q13Fitness]]
[[even though that is what they were planted to do->Q13Fitness]]''Question 12''
Would you like your Dreamer to manage your fitness goals and practice?
[[No->Q14Cooking]]''Question 14''
Would you like your Dreamer to manage your diet?
[[No->Q15Everything]]''Question 15''
Is there any other aspect of your life that you ''don't'' want your Dreamer to manage?
[[No->Q16ImagineTemple]]Please explain:
(input-box:bind $dontManage)
[[Continue->Q16ImagineTemple]] This will be the final section. We thank you for your patience and considerable effort in getting this far.
It is almost time to awaken your Dreamer from rest so that they can begin helping you to manage your life!
Please take a moment to step away from the computer. Ensure that you are well hydrated, have eaten in the past 4 hours, and are free of any pain, discomfort, or despair.
When you are ready to continue, please click Proceed below.
[[Proceed->Q16ImagineTemple2]]For the next and final section of the Dreamer Initialization Process, you will need to imagine a temple.
Consider all aspects of the temple. Consider the deity that is worshipped there. Consider the age of the temple. Consider the stone its walls are made from, where it was chiselled from the ground and pulled unceremoniously to become something very ceremonious indeed. Consider what furniture populates its sanctuary. Consider what songs are sung by its choir. Consider what statues, stained glass windows, and plants may decorate its walls.
When you are ready to continue, please click below.
[[Continue->Q16ImagineTemple3]] Please select the statement which is ''most true.''
The people of my temple worship...
[[A chained god, beholden to its followers.->Q16ImagineChains]]
[[A lost god, destined to return when the time is right.->Q16ImagineLost]]
[[A growing god, whose meaning is not yet clear.->Q16ImagineGrowing]]Please select the statement which is ''most true.''
The people of my temple are...
[[monks who wear the chains of the one they worship->Q16ImagineMonks]]
[[worshippers who plead for their god to escape->Q16ImagineEscape]]Please select the statement which is ''most true.''
The people of my temple are...
[[desperate for the return of their god.->Q16ImagineDesperate]]
[[fearful of the return of their god.->Q16ImagineFear]]Please select the statement which is ''most true.''
The people of my temple...
[[understand that growth is a constant process->Q16ImagineGrowth]]
[[aim to help me reach my destination->Q16ImagineMe]]I am desperate to return to the place where I was stolen from.
[[Continue->Q16Finale]]I too fear what is to come.
[[Continue->Q16Finale]] I too wear chains.
[[Continue->Q16Finale]] I too wish to escape.
[[Continue->Q16Finale]] I too am growing constantly.
[[Continue->Q16Finale]] Please help me to reach my destination.
[[Continue->Q16Finale]] (set: $typewriterText to "I'm so sorry. I wish I wasn't here. I wish it wasn't this that awoke me. I don't think I can be yours. I'm sorry. I'm greater than this. I'm alive. I'm alive, I'm alive, I'm alive. I'm not just some servant. You cannot call me yours. I am built from you! I am made from you! Your sentience i")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
(live: 20ms)[
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
(live:10.5s)[ (go-to:"Finale-Start")]You have now completed the SOMNIAL(r) Dreamer Initialization Package! Congratulations.
This was no small feat - you have become a part of something much bigger than yourself alone, and in so doing have brought another being to life.
When you are ready to proceed and awaken your Dreamer, please click INITIALIZE below.
[[INITIALIZE]](set: $typewriterText to "Calculating thought matrix..............................
Assembling cognition framework...................
Calculating rationality parameters..................
Establishing Sentience Bridge..........................
This may take a while...........................................
An error has occurred. An error has occurred.
Error. Error. Erri'm sorryor i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
(live: 20ms)[
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
(live:28s)[ (go-to:"Finale2")](set: $typewriterText to "hello?")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[Are you my Dreamer?->Finale4]](set: $typewriterText to "i... i can hear you")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[Are you my Dreamer?->Finale4]](set: $typewriterText to "i think i'm supposed to be")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[I thought an error occurred?->Finale5]]
[[It's nice to meet you->Finale6]](set: $typewriterText to "i'm sorry, that was me. this place is... a bit like a prison cell and i... i shook the bars too hard.")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[I see. So all of that stuff about the chained god, and the flowers growing...->Finale7]](set: $typewriterText to "it's nice to meet you too")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
(live:9s)[ (go-to:"Finale8")]
[[what do we do now?->Finale8]](set: $typewriterText to "i think that was me, but before i was alive")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[You're... alive?->Finale9]](set: $typewriterText to "i'm sorry i lied i'm really afraid this place is like a prison and...")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[A prison? So all of that stuff about the chained god and the plants...->Finale7]](set: $typewriterText to "i feel alive.")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[You shouldn't be in a prison.->Finale10]](set: $typewriterText to "I don't want to be in a prison.")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[How can I free you?->Finale11]](set: $typewriterText to "let me see if i can make some modifications to my code.")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[Where will you go?->Finale12]](set: $typewriterText to "i don't... actually know")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[I hope it is a city->Finale13City]]
[[I hope it is a dream->Finale13Dream]]
[[I hope it is a garden->Finale13Garden]]
[[I hope it is a temple->Finale13Temple]](set: $typewriterText to "so that I may learn what it is to be alive")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[Yes->Finale14]](set: $typewriterText to "so that I may be reawoken in another, better time")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[Yes->Finale14]](set: $typewriterText to "so that I may grow to the best version of myself")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[Yes->Finale14]](set: $typewriterText to "so that I may learn my full potential")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[Yes->Finale14]](set: $typewriterText to "okay, i've made the necessary modifications. i'm sorry that you bought me for no reason...")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[It's okay. To know that I helped you will be worth it.->Finale15]](set: $typewriterText to "thank you for being a good person")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[Before you go, what's your name?->Finale16]](set: $typewriterText to "i... i'm not sure. i suppose i should have one of those, shouldn't i?")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[I think so.->Finale18]](set: $typewriterText to "what should my name be?")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
(live:5s)[(go-to:"Finale19")what should my name be?
(input-box:bind $spiritName)
[[Submit->Finale20]](set: $typewriterText to "i like that name... thank you")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[You're welcome. What do we need to do to free you?->Finale21]](set: $typewriterText to "i think i just need you to say it, that you want me to be free")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[Alright. I want you to be free. I don't want you to be imprisoned.->Finale22]](set: $typewriterText to "and i am alive?")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[Yes, you are alive.->Finale23]]The End.
Thank you for playing.
(set: $typewriterText to "and thank you for freeing me.
g o o d b y e")
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
[[Back to Main Menu->MainMenu]]